Somos ModernTV
Desde nuestra entrada a la escena internacional en 2015 nos hemos dedicado a ofrecer a nuestros clientes soluciones de televisión de pago de primera calidad. Operamos en los cinco continentes y atendemos a una amplia gama de clientes que tienen una cosa en común: ¡Les encanta el ecosistema completo OTT de ModernTV!

Las personas detrás de ModernTV
¡En vivo desde Brno, República Checa! Conoce a nuestro impresionante equipo de más de 100 profesionales en ventas, desarrollo, operaciones, servicios, marketing, finanzas y recursos humanos. Nos encanta hacer que la magia suceda. Cuando conozcas bien nuestros productos B2B y B2C y des por tuya nuestra plataforma OTT, obtendrás soluciones innovadoras que se convertirán en historias de éxito.

Antes y ahora
Empezamos nuestro viaje modestamente en 2004 como proveedor local del servicio de internet. Desde entonces, hemos ido evolucionando hasta convertirnos en el pionero proveedor de televisión de pago que somos hoy. Por suerte para nosotros, esta rica historia nos brinda una ventaja única para comprender los desafíos y necesidades de nuestros clientes porque también hemos estado en su lugar. Con nuestra experiencia te ayudaremos a navegar por el mundo en constante evolución del entretenimiento digital hasta llegar a donde desees estar.
Nuestro equipo de ventas

Ponte en contacto
Estamos listos para ayudarte con lo que necesites, ¡Así que no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros! Contáctanos a través de nuestro formulario de contacto o simplemente comunícate directamente con nuestro equipo de ventas. No te preocupes, ¡son gente agradable!
Proyecto cofundado por la Unión Europea
Project name: Financial support for attending exhibitions focused on IPTV/OTT solutions abroad
Registration number: CZ.01.02.01/04/24_044/0004886
Duration: 29 July 2024– 31 December 2025
Description: The project focuses on supporting ModernTV's participation in foreign exhibitions. Exhibitions are aimed at new technologies in television broadcasting and the provision of video content. As part of the project, the company will participate in 5 prestigious exhibitions in Singapore, Germany, Indonesia, Netherlands and South Africa, where it will promote its solution in order to build brand awareness and acquire new clients.
Project name: Presenting at exhibitions focused on TV broadcast distribution technology
Registration number: CZ.01.02.01/04/23_017/0001514
Duration: 19 June 2023– 31 December 2024
Description: The project focuses on supporting ModernTV's participation in foreign exhibitions. Exhibitions are aimed at new technologies in television broadcasting and the provision of video content. As part of the project, the company will participate in 5 prestigious exhibitions in the United States of America, Germany, Singapore, the Netherlands and South Africa, where it will promote its solution in order to build brand awareness and acquire new clients.
Project name: Development of IPTV / OTT platform 3.0
Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0019972
Duration: 14 January 2020 – 31 December 2022
Description: The implementation of the project is focused on research and development of the third generation of the IPTV system and the mCollector software.
It is a unique IPTV system that will focus on an individual approach to the user, better access to content, respect for user habits on individual platforms, and connection with the world of alternative platforms for audiovisual content. The software mCollector will be used for data processing and enable the collection of data from servers and applications within (but not only) the system for the distribution of television broadcasting.
Project name: Creating the cloud software solution for encoding multimedia traffic in real timen for the opration of IPTV platform
Registration number: CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0008606
Duration: 1. February 2017 –31 December 2019
Description: The aim of the project is to create a computer system (mCloud) that offers a complete solution for the processing of live television and other audiovisual data and their distribution to users’ end devices. This product will facilitate system configuration and enable better scaling to serve more end customers.
Project name: Research and development of automation and operation streamlining resources for a complex IPTV/OTT solution for small and medium-sized content owners
Registration number: CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000391
Duration: 1 February 2023 – 30 June 2026
Description: The aim of the project is to achieve a comprehensive multi-platform IPTV/OTT solution that television content providers can operate under their own brand. ModernTV collaborates with Tomáš Bata University on research and development activities.