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Spanish company Wotta selects ModernTV solution to deliver exceptional streaming experience
Company News
05. 01. 2023

Spanish company Wotta selects ModernTV solution to deliver exceptional streaming experience

Today we are happy to tell you about one of the ModernTV’s major milestones of 2022 – the beginning of cooperation with Wotta Television S.L. and creation of an online TV service called Wotta TV. 

The Wotta TV comes to the Spanish market with a unique concept that is tailored to the needs and requirements of ISP operators and their clients. Operators will get both the platform and the content, a complete solution that is currently in high demand in the Spanish market. The service is designed for both smaller ISPs looking to get started with IPTV operations and those who want to offer clients the latest features and expand their portfolio of supported devices.

As the technology partner, ModernTV will be providing the platform and solution for the service. Wotta handles daily operation of the service and together with major and premium channels offering is delivering ready to use solution for operators. In November last year, we jointly introduced the service at the ACUTEL event in Granada and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

As Roman Slavík summarizes: "We were very pleased with the Acutel conference and the interest that Wotta TV has received. Thanks to the interest among ISPs, ACUTEL confirmed to us that Wotta TV is targeting the right segment."
Roman Slavik
ModernTV / Head of Sales
Luis Zabala responsible for WottaTV operations ads: "During the show, we answered a number of questions regarding the interest in deploying the service in operators’ networks and we are ready to offer our Internet TV to thousands of users."
Luis Zabala
Telematic / Director de Operaciones de TV